March 2022 Newsletter
Posted in newsletter on March 22, 2022 by Gene Liverman ‐ 4 min read
Our cover photo this month is from a recent flag retirement ceremony held within our district. Want to learn more about retiring a flag? Check out Bryan on Scouting’s “Four options for retiring worn-out American flags” article.
ARRL’s Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award
The Indian Springs District of the Atlanta Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, is proud to announce that Jay Langley of Troop 39 has been awarded the American Radio Relay League’s Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award. Established in 2013, the ARRL’s award recognizes actively involved Scouting leaders who make a significant contribution to providing Scouts with a memorable and valuable Amateur Radio experience. The award requires a candidate to meet five of ten available requirements, including organizing and teaching multiple Radio merit badge classes or multi-unit programs, leading district and council Jamboree on the Air events, and even serving on amateur radio staff at national jamborees.
Jay Langley, call sign N4NRL, is the Chartered Organization Representative for Troop 39 and Pack 239 at Bethany Christian Church. He has served two councils in a variety of volunteer roles, including district leadership. He holds a doctorate of Commissioner Science, is a Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow, and has received the District Award of Merit and the Silver Beaver Award. In his decades of Scouting, Dr. Langley has supported amateur radio programs for Scouts and volunteers of all ages with his knowledge, passion, and leadership.
Welcome Ramon Montgomery
Ramon Montgomery joined us in February as our new District Director. He is responsible for providing leadership in the areas of service to Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops, and Venturing Crews with our district. His responsibilities include support for our youth recruiting efforts and fund raising including Friends of Scouting, the Trail’s End Popcorn Sale and the Camp Card sale. One of his primary roles will be to lead the cultivation and recruitment of volunteers.
He is a graduate of Shorter College with a Bachelor’s in Business Management and the proud father of Life Scout, Jaden (18) and Tenderfoot Scout, Jace (15).
United Methodist Church and recharter
Multiple updates have been posted to in the last couple of months, but a key point to note is this summed up well in this quote from February 23rd:
“Renewing Membership” are the words that matter most right now. All Boy Scout units within United Methodist Churches should make sure their membership is renewed.
Please check the site for the latest news.
Our new District Commissioner
Alisha Mason has taken over as our District Commissioner and is actively recruiting others to help the units in our district.
New Eagle Scouts
Mike Handyside shared recently that there were 2 new Eagle Scouts in February! There are also 3 others working through the approval process right now.
IOLS Scouts BSA Outdoor Leader Training
Thank you to the leaders from Packs 138 and 1882 and from Troops 39, 228, 1228, 2819, and 144 (in Marietta) for attending ITOLS in February. Thanks also to our staff: Drew Lyle, Jake Coldiron, Luke Deakin, Daniel Cash, and national treasure Wayne Hicks. We’ll do it again next year, but if you need ITOLS sooner than that, check out the council’s offerings:
More training is available
Kyle Taylor and Drew Lyle are always happy to deliver any of the following trainings locally in-person:
- Cub Leader Specific for Cubmasters, Assistant Cubmasters, Den Leaders, Assistant Den Leaders, Pack Committee Members and Chairs
- Scouts BSA Leader Specific for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Troop Committee Members and Chairs
- Chartered Organization Representative Training
- Merit Badge Counselor Training
- Commissioner Training
They also provide overnight outdoor BALOO (for Cub leaders) and IOLS (for Scouts BSA leaders) like the one mentioned above each once a eyar locally as well as Rangemaster training as needed.
Other upcoming training opportunities include:
- AAC College of Commissioner Science is May 7th at Dunwoody UMC. Registration is online at
- University of Scouting has had a date change: it is now being held September 24th. More details are available at
Want to help a little or a lot?
We have many ways for anyone interested in helping the district to get involved. Opportunities range from time boxed commitments like helping coordinate events that happen once a year or assisting with a training session to roles that are active all year such as being a Unit Commissioner.
Two specific areas we could use some help with are:
- a few administrative things related to camping
- district finance and fund raising coordination
Reach out to us via our contact form if you’d like to get involved or know someone who might be interested.
Additionally, Kyle and Drew are always looking for help with training. Again, feel free to use our contact form or reach out to them directly if you are interested or know of someone who might be.