November 2021 Newsletter
Posted in newsletter on November 11, 2021 by Gene Liverman ‐ 3 min read
Hello everyone! This month we elected our district officers, saw Eagle projects completed, and got a brand new District Exectute… and a shooting sports field day!
Field Day
So much fun was had at the Cub Scout Field Day - 45 Scouts from 3 different districts came out. As you can see from the pictures here, they got to learn and practive archery, bb guns, and slingshots.
Eagle Project
Logan Douglas of Troop 228 recently completed his Eagle project, a small climbing structure on the preschool playground at Douglasville First United Methodist Church. Check out his amazing work!
Constructing the climbing area
Building the sides
Logan standing with the finished product
New District Executive
We are excited to welcome Chad Harris as our new District Executive! Quoting a release from Counci:
We are excited to announce that Chad Harris will be joining our staff on November 1, as District Exectutive serving the Indian Springs District. Chad will be responsible for providing leadership in the areas of service to Indian Springs Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops and Venturing Crews. His responsibilites include support for our youth recruting efforts and fundraising including Friends of Scouting, the Trail’s End Popcorn sale and the Camp Card sale. One of his primary roles will be to lead the cultivation and recruitment of volunteers in the Indian Springs District.
Chad is a native of New Jersey and a member of the US Army Reserves. He received his bachelor’s degree in Internation Business from the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, Florida.
District Election Results
During our November meeting we held our annual election of members. Below is a list of the people nominated for District Members at Large:
- Kim Ah Low
- Scott Bates
- Lisa Chandler
- Georgia Deakin
- Randy Galbraith
- Joshua Gray
- Michael Handyside
- Samantha Kornegy
- Kent Lovvorn
- Alisha Mason
- Joyce Price
- Rich Williams
- Helen Albrightson
- Tyler Black
- Larry Cohran
- Larry Dobbs
- Sara Galbraith
- Lindsay Gray
- Wayne Hicks
- William Lee
- Drew Lyle
- Eric McDonald
- Steve Sommers
- Joseph Augeri, Jr
- Andy Camp
- Wendy Cullison
- Steven Fitz
- Tom Godbold
- Barry Griffin
- David Kornegy
- Gene Liverman
- Joe Mason
- Richard Parker
- Kyle Tayler
The motion to accept the nominations as propopsed was carried and a vote was held. The result was that these individuals will serve for the following the year, so long as they are registerd within the district.
Helen Albrightson has also agreed to serve another year as our District Chair.
In closing, there was a lot happening in the last month and plenty more we’ll talk about next month. I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to keep an eye on our district calendar to be in the know of what’s happening next. You can find it at