July 2021 Newsletter
Posted in newsletter on July 13, 2021 by Gene Liverman ‐ 3 min read
Happy July everyone! Here’s what happened during this month’s District Committee meeting:
We started with pledge, oath, and law by way of Zoom and this awesome video:
Direct link to the embeded video above: vimeo.com/432272336
Our first order of business was actually to celebrate Kyle Taylor’s son earning his Eagle Scout!
Andy Camp on recruiting and membership
- we are lacking a DE right now which poses some challenges for recruiting
- we have lost 6 or 7 units that did not recharter which means we are having to shuffle what schools are assigned where
- we have also identified several places that may be interested in starting new units
- 22nd is going to be a kickoff for recruiting instead of Round Table. It will be simulcast in person and Zoom. More information is available at Indian Springs Fall Recruitment Kickoff Event
Mike Handyside for Advancement
- we seem to be rolling along pretty good. This is a case of no news is good news.
- An Eagle board is happening in Douglasville.
- Best process for merit badge counselor is to use the online form and send it directly to Donna Horn and cc Mike
Kyle Taylor on Training
- Training Report – July 8, 2021
- Overall Trained: 70.15%
- District Staff Trained: 77.78
- Overall District YPT: 98.30%
- Number of YPT Expired Leaders: 4
- Number of YPT Renewals for July: 1
- All expired people should have gotten multiple emails from both the BSA system and Kyle
- Council will be dropping people from roles very soon if they are expired
- As a reminder, you cannot participate in Scouting in any way if YPT is expired
- Drew and Kyle are available for in-person training for any unit. All you have to do is be open to others coming and provide a location.
- We are planning to do simulcast Roundtable too. More info to come
- q from Mike: units typically have an Eagle coach attached to their units and this is a trained position… is Roundtable a good place to do this training?
- A from Kyle: yes, perfectly appropriate and welcome.
Joe Mason on Activities and Program
- Scout skills day was a big success. 50+ scouts from multiple districts attended and were very excited.
- 47 for Cub Scout Field Day!
- Camporee coming up soon
- Joe also mentioned that Wood Badge IS HAPPENING SOON!
Georgia also on Program
- We are a few weeks away from having our first female Eagle Scout!!!
- Georgia and Joe will be meeting to plan District calendar for next 6 months An event will be added for incoming Cubs
Gene on Communications
- talked about Zoom simulcasting and setting up an in person meeting location
- Helen got some feedback about usability of our website and Gene will be connecting with the person to find out more.
Helen Albrightson
- We are actively seeking a new Finance Chair as John S. is stepping down at the end of his term.
- We will be resuming in person meetings in Carrollton on August 5; pending location confirmation.
- Fall recruiting will be a team effort this year since we do not have a DE.
Kim Ah-Low
- From last year to this year we have had 5 Scouts in Indian Springs graduate from NYLT.
- Fall and Winter courses will be happening and courses in 2022 will be opening up soon. A new syllabus will be in use that was just approved. It has a lot of new activities and sessions.