February 2021 Newsletter

Posted in newsletter on February 5, 2021 by Gene Liverman ‐ 4 min read

February 2021 Newsletter

Happy February everyone! Here’s what happened during this month’s District Committee meeting:

Georgia Deakin on Program: we have a new program chair at the council. Work on Day Camp is underway. Unfortunately, the Disabilities Awareness Camporee is not happening right away. The future date is sometime this fall.

Georgia is planning to do the short term camp administrator training this month via the online option. You can learn more and sign up for this at https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/camping/short-term-camp/ Reach out to Georgia or Helen if you need help covering the $75 cost - we are happy to fund a few people getting this training.

BSA's birthday is Monday February 8th. This is a great time to wear your uniform while out and about that day.

Kyle Taylor on Training: 10 units have had their recharters processed through the system as of Feb. 4th. All of those units have been notified of which of their leaders are in need of training. Kyle is actively engaging with these units to try and help them get all the needed training done.

The council’s training calendar has been updated with several new opportunities. Check out the options at https://www.atlantabsa.org/calendar/558/Training

University of Scouting is going to be a virtual event on Feb. 27th. Registration is open now and it’s only $5… plus you get a patch 😁 There is also some in-person training in conjunction with University of Scouting on Feb. 27th at Council for unit leadership.

Drew and Kyle are both happy to provide small group position specific training - reach out to them if you are interested.

February 2021 Training Report:

  • Overall Trained = 68.33%
  • Overall YPT = 96.34%
  • District Only Trained = 79.27%
  • Number of units with recharters processed = 10
  • Currently 10 registered leaders have expired YPT
  • 4 leaders will expire in February
  • 3 leaders will expire in March
  • 4 leaders will expire in April

Last, but not least, Roundtable is Thursday Feb. 18th via Zoom!

Mike Handyside - Advancement: If you have people who’d like to be merit badge counselors, feel free to take the paperwork to directly to the council office and they will take care of getting it to Mike.

As a reminder, a list of current merit badge counselors is available to leaders via Scout Book by zip code.

Eagle boards are going well across all three counties.

Gene Liverman on Communications: We talked about the general contact form on the website and the the one for advancement and a bit general site info. We also discussed finding someone to help promote things on social media. Georgia and Tom both offered on the spot to help out, which was awesome. Lastly, we did a quick rundown of events we wanted promoted here this month.

Tyler Black:

Cub Scouts Pack 39, Boy Scouts Troop 900, and Girl Scouts Troop 3939 are coordinating a food drive entitled *Homeless Teen Drive* January 25th through February 22nd. Please take a moment to read the flyer at the end of this month's newsletter.

John Sammon on Finance: 40.61% ($28,428 out of $70,000) of our Friends of Scouting goal has been raised so far. We are at 100% of our Camp Card registration goal. Cards are still delayed due to shipping issues. More info to come as soon as we have it.

2021 Camp Card Front

2021 Camp Card Back

See https://www.atlantabsa.org/campcards for even more information.

Carter Smith on Membership: The tentative plan is to deliver fliers to every school that represents an active Pack. This will also provide an opportunity for touching base with these schools in preparation for fall recruiting.

Tom Godbold on Commissioners: We are having a Commissioners meeting on 25th of this month via Zoom (details below) from 7pm to 8:30pm and is informal. Reach out to Tom for more details.

Meeting ID: 893 8221 1631
Passcode: 594627
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89382211631#,,,,*594627# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,89382211631#,,,,*594627# US (New York)

Tom and team are reaching out to units who are still needing to complete recharters. They are also working with multiple troops that are interested in getting everything back in good shape charter-wise.

Props to Drew Lyle for picking up Unit Commissioner duties for several units lately.

Helen Albrightson: A Zoom-based event called “Find your Troop” for Webelos is being worked on to help them meet multiple units and find where they’d like to continue their Scouting journey. More details will be coming via snail mail soon.

Annnnd, that’s a wrap! Thanks for reading. Feel free to reach out any time via the contact form on our website or by replying to the emailed version of this newsletter if you have ideas on things you’d like to see here.

StandUp for Kids Flyer
