December 2020 Newsletter
Posted in newsletter on December 27, 2020 by Gene Liverman ‐ 3 min read
Recharter has a 12/31 deadline. Unit leaders please reach out to Commissioners Tom Godbold and Steve Sommer if you need any assistance.
The year is almost over! Hopefully you all got to enjoy the Christmas holiday this week, even if it was via Zoom or similar. Below is a recap of the District Committee meeting that took place earlier this month.
As always, we opened with the pledge, oath, and law.
Nominating (Kent Lovvorn) – Kent thanked Carter and Ed Ward for running the elections last month. Carter confirmed the annual meeting report has been submitted to Council. Kent reminded everyone to be looking for adults who could serve at the District level. He also mentioned pursuing a lead for one new recommended member.
Recharter (Tom Godbold, Carter Smith) – Still making slow progress in recharter submissions. Steve Sommers is working on a plan of attack to accomplish this task by 12/31. Detailed to be shared by December 6.
Program (Georgia Deakin) – not a lot to report today. Mike Handyside is aboard. After the first of the year we hope to have a better idea as to the calendar. Right now the next notable event is the Spring Camporee centered on disabilities awareness. We talked about nominations for the banquet and the logistics around that too. Georgia also reported on Camping and encouraged everyone to be getting ready for summer.
Training (Kyle Taylor) – Overall Percentage of Trained Leaders (District-Wide) = 68.58%; Overall Percentage of YPT Trained Leaders (District-Wide) = 96.30% [There are 10 expired leaders and 5 more will expire in December]; Percentage of Direct Contact Leaders Trained (District-Wide): 75.3%. Kyle does not have any confirmed training dates on the District calendar and recommends everyone defer to Council for all training until further notice. Council has trainings on calendar for March at Burt Adams (see for exact dates).
Advancement (Mike Handyside/absent) - Mike has assumed this role for the coming year. He will be leading a team of Life to Eagle coaches that includes James Hembree (Douglas County) and Eric McDonald (Haralson). Mike will be coaching Carroll County Scouts in addition to his leadership role. Please watch for an introductory email coming soon from Mike and his team. Samantha Kornegay will be chairing the Awards Banquet this coming year. The award categories remain the same and details of nomination submissions will be posted on the website.
Communications (Gene Liverman): talked about publishing the calendar Georgia just sent me. (post meeting we realized that the calendar sent was not the updated one - we are working to rectify this)
Finance (John Sammon) - the Golden Eagle Lunch In is Friday, December 11. Carter will be a sending out an RSVP link to all leaders in the District to gain increased attendance at the event. We are currently at $21,600 pledged. The District goal is $70,000. Greystone Power is a significant supporter our District and Carter is working on making sure they renew their annual commitment. Be thinking about unit FOS presentations next year as well as volunteering as a presenter.
Membership (Andy Camp) - Indian Springs is leading the council in recruitment… at 39% of goal (195 youth) and also in raw numbers. Andy thanked everyone for being flexible on holding membership events. It has just been a hard year to get in front of people to do the recruiting. Carter added that we are at 39% and the next best in council is at 29%, which reflects how hard things have been this year.
DE report (Carter Smith) - mostly already covered. Main focus is on Friends of Scouting. Working on starting a new Cub Scout pack hosted by Bethany Christian Church in Carroll County right now.