November 2020 Newsletter

Posted in newsletter on November 15, 2020 by Gene Liverman ‐ 4 min read

November 2020 Newsletter

Reminder: Roundtable is Thursday, November 19th. See flier at the end of this newsletter for details.

Annual membership voting

  • voted on members at large
  • voted on district leadership

Program report from Georgia

Special thanks to John Sammon for providing the Webelo Woods location in Bremen. It was successful, though sparsely attended. Got finished with the official program just before the torrential rains hit.

Cub Scout Field Day is on the calendar but is being postponed. The postponement is due to not enough leaders being available to run it.

Future calendar:

  • next real event being district awards banquet on Jan 30th.
  • Camporee, in partnership with Pickett’s Mill District, is planned for 19-21 March
    • hoping Clinton can be used at that point - still going to be disabilities awareness themed
  • Twilight Camp 7-11 June is current plan

The intent is to build out post-June calendar in early spring. The current calendar will be posted to the website shortly.

Training report from Kyle


  • overall trained: 67.80%
  • direct contact leaders: 75%
  • overall YPT 94.33%
  • 16 currently registered leaders with expired YPT
  • 7 more in nov
  • 8 more in dec
  • council has removed 54 leaders in cal. year 2020 for not being current on YPT

No more in person district training is scheduled for this year.

YPT training should be done through

We are currently seeing very few new leader registrations come through the system right now. We are not sure if this is due to waiting on recharter of if recruitment is down.

Communications report from Gene

Talked about sending this newsletter and about the Zoom link for the District Committee meeting.

Also requested others provide feedback about the website and other communications related things as they see it because “feedback is a gift.” While on the subject of the website, we also talked about publishing the calendar.

Finance by John

Fundraising is at $70,000 so far for 2020, which is way down from 2019. We are optimistic for next year though.

Golden Eagle virtual luncheon attendance is part of the 2020.2 JTE scorecard.

Membership report by Carter

Fall recruiting scorecard: Atlanta 814 recruited this fall . 190 of those are Indian Springs. We are at 38% of our goal of 500. Encouraging all units to hold some kind of event that they can invite people from schools to. Details / promotion materials to come.

Carter is working to get approval for doing buzz ups in Douglas County Schools.

District Exec. report by Carter

There are new requirements out for camping events put on above the unit level (district, council, etc.) related to COVID-19.

All other parts of his report are mentioned in sections above.

Carter thanked everyone for their service and acknowledged how challenging things are and will be for a while to come.


Talked about some council leadership changes:

  • Graeme Payne VP Program (replacing Ted Crouse)
  • Louis Todd Council Commissioner (replacing Jenny Chapin)
  • Brett DeVore VP District Operations (replacing Louis Todd)

Open forum time

Joe Mason

This district is lacking some opportunities for engagement. He suggests getting a shooting sports team together. Believes firmly we need to bring shooting sports back to Indian Springs.

Talked about all the different kinds of “shooting” sports that fit into this.

Kyle reminded us that shooting events can be an full fledged event on their own - aka a “shooting day.” This includes all levels of scouts.

Carter Smith

Key Three unit leaders should have gotten an email about how to log into do recharter this year. Recharter can be done fully online this year. If there are funding requests, you click “pay later” at the end of the online process and then coordinate with Council.

Helen Albrightson

Lewis Todd is working on Wood Badge ticket. He is working on getting camping gear donated from units that have surplus gear so that it can be routed to units in need.

Drew Lyle

Scouting on Demand program: encourages everyone to go to the Atlanta BSA site to and click the link for it. It has great resources. Every new scout will be receiving a “bobcat on demand box.” Reiterated it is a fantastic resource.

Roundtable flier

November 2020 Roundtable Flier
