October 2020 Newsletter

Posted in newsletter on October 16, 2020 by Gene Liverman ‐ 3 min read

October 2020 Newsletter

Don't miss the once in a long time opportunity to participate in the Largest Annual scouting activity. Jamboree on the Air is coming to our District this weekend. Cub Scouts will have fun things to do. Older scouts will enjoy talking to other scouts around the US and world. Non-scouts are welcome to come too. Take the three minutes to watch the video made just for us in Indian Springs District posted in our Facebook group here. Don't miss out!

District Committee Meeting Notes

Many thanks to Helen for taking notes this month!

In no particular order:

Nominating/Kent Lovvorn - Nominating process began last month and is proceeding according to plan. Reminder to respond to Kent’s email about willingness to serve on the District Committee for the coming program year (November - October). Carter and Kent will communicate the exact voting process two weeks prior to the meeting November 5 to insure all members understand the Zoom voting process.

Program/Georgia Deakin - Webelos Woods is confirmed for October 23-25. The location is Lion Hills, 400 Murphy Industrial Blvd., Bremen 30110. We are still looking for Troops to help lead the program on Saturday. Online registration via Council will be $10, Scouts are free Social distancing will be in place - masks, small groups, 6 feet, rigorous hygiene.

Cub Field Day tentatively set for November 14 at Villa Rica Elementary. We need a chair, range masters (hopefully Joe and Alisha Mason), etc. More info as we get closer.

Our partnership Camporee with Pickett’s Mill has a new date - March 20, 2021. Hopefully Clinton will be open and we can have the event there. The program will be focused on disability awareness.

The updated calendar will be published on the website as soon as it’s complete.

Training/Kyle Taylor - The District is currently at JTE Gold for training (#16), leading the Council. Unfortunately, National has cancelled the JTE program for Councils and Districts in 2020 due to COVID. Council is expected to roll out their own version of JTE shortly. There will still be a breakfast and a Golden Waffle award in January. The Training Committee conducted in person Committee last month. YPT timely renewals continue to be a challenge and Council is removing expired leaders approximately 4 weeks after expiration.

Upcoming training - BALOO October 24-25 at Clinton.

Advancement/Scott Bates - Still looking for a qualified individual to assume this role due to Ken Calain’s departure. Scott Bates is the interim Chair.

Communications/Gene Liverman - (did you publish draft document ?) Please insert whatever else you want to share with the members.

Membership/Andy Camp - Recruited 108 youth in the first round of events. Follow up events are planned; hopefully we’ll reach our goal of 500 new Cubs.

Also, a new membership resources page has been published on our website at thanks to Sarah Bush.

Finance/John Sammon - The 4 fundraising positions has been filled. The Golden Eagle Luncheon on December 11 will be a virtual event.

Open Forum - Joe Mason shared that the soup kitchen in Carrollton is struggling and this is an opportunity for units to be “helpful” with food donations. Details are: Carroll County Soup Kitchen, 345 Beulah Church Road, Carrollton 30117 770-214-5055, ccsoupkitchen345@gmail.com. Joe is willing to come to units to pick up donations. His email is jmason1019@gmail.com.

Recharter/Carter Smith - The process should be paperless this year.
