Scout Oath & Law

These are challenging times in our country and the world. As Scout Leaders, you have chosen to be part of a fellowship who’s guiding principles are the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Whether you are new to your unit or a long time Scouter, I would encourage everyone to practice these principles in your daily lives. Check in with your unit families via text; better yet try a phone call. Tom Godbold and the Commissioner team are already reaching out and offering their support and encouragement.

The Atlanta Area Council emails offer opportunities for at-home Scouting activities. Sign up at

Scouts in front of American flags


We will post a new Scouting at Home Activity each week to continue the impact that Scouting makes at home and in our community.

This week’s Scouting at Home Activity:

Citizenship means being a member of and supporting one’s community and country. As Scouts, let’s show our support for our country and fellow citizens! This week we are challenging everyone to draw a picture of the American flag and place it in your window. Send us photos of your Scouts and their flags. Let’s show the community that our Scouts care!

Share your Scouting at Home Activity by tagging us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Be sure to use the hashtags #ATLScouts #ScoutingAtHome

From Atlanta Area Council, Boy Scouts of America with subject “Coronavirus Important Update | Wednesday 3.18.2020”

Keep the faith. Together we are a stronger District, Council, Nation and World.
